Embrace ~ Evolve
Life is full of opportunities to evolve. Every time we learn, grow and develop we make changes and progress along our Heart Path. Our capacity to embrace change is proportional to our potential to evolve. No matter what we choose change is inevitable.
Three Choices
Ignore Change ~ Resist Change ~ Embrace Change
Picture life as a fast moving river. No question if you are in the river you are going downstream. Nevertheless, you have choices how you experience your journey down the river, you can: be unconscious, fight it or ride it.
When we ignore change we are either unconscious, unaware or in denial. How can we raise our awareness and move from ignoring or ignorance to embracing change? The answer is one word, willingness. Being willing is an attitude; it’s not tangible but definitely observable. Merely deciding to be willing automatically creates a shift toward being more open and receptive. How do we know if we are willing? The following behaviors are the most obvious forms of willingness: being present, open, available, receptive, curious, noticing, perceiving, listening and learning. How can you be more willing in your business, relationships or life?
Resisting change creates opposition. It’s an attitude of hostility and strife. With lightening fast speed of thought we have a reaction that sparks the fight. Feeling out of control we protect the barricade of our identity. A temporary sense of power is gained due to the aggressive exchange of energy. However, the longer we hold tight to our position the more we feel our vitality drain. Our resistance has enslaved us to defend our dogma and we aren’t sure how we got here. Shortness of breath, discomfort, tightness, rigidity, irritation, impatience, fatigue, weakness, illness, depression, apathy, anger and fear are indicators of resistance. How do we climb out of the rancor of resistance? The first step is always awareness. Once you notice one or more of the signs of resistance, ask yourself Byron Katie's The Work questions: "what was I just thinking? Is it true? Can I know absolutely for sure it’s true? How do I behave when I believe it’s true? Who would I be without this thought?" The truth shall set you free!
Embrace Change and Evolve
Awareness ~ Willingness ~ Mindfulness ~ Empowerment
We see the world through the filters our brain has laid down over the course of our life experiences. In addition, our experiences are made from our reservoir of perceptions which are in turn based upon all the previous experiences and interpretations. Over and over we lay down filters that form then validate our beliefs. Our neural net interconnects to inform a faster, more efficient processing every time we encounter something remotely similar. This filtering system is both our nemesis to neurosis and our impetus to evolve.
What we think matters! Breaking down our thoughts and stories allows us to see what is influencing our current perceptions, beliefs and experiences.
Our thoughts either enable us to be:
Trapped in unconsciousness ~ Ignorant to evolve.
Entangled in resistance ~ Unwilling to evolve.
Empowered by possibilities ~ Receptive to evolve.
On average most people think between 2500 - 3500 thoughts per day. However, the majority of these thoughts are the same thought repeated over and over. Elite athletes tend to have 1500 thoughts per day not because they’re less intelligent but their mental toughness has been developed to focus intently in the moment on what’s important. It takes mental prowess to have a new thought, less thought and/or no thought. It’s the athletes discipline to be mindful that gives them their edge to success. It’s time to train our brains like elite athletes and gain mental mastery in our business, relationships and life.
Envision Success
Emerge ~ Affirm ~ Assert
Shifting perspective gives permission for acceptance which is the consent of empowerment. Empowered people have increased clarity, presence, patience, connection, love, inspiration, wisdom, gratitude, motivation, top performance, and success. When we focus on possibilities, master our mind and create vision we emerge, affirm and assert our life. Empowerment perpetuates motivation, passion and purpose to evolve. What is your vision of success? What is the story you tell yourself and others? How does it align with your values, passion and purpose? How will you engage, embrace and evolve your life?
Three Choices
Ignore Change ~ Resist Change ~ Embrace Change
Picture life as a fast moving river. No question if you are in the river you are going downstream. Nevertheless, you have choices how you experience your journey down the river, you can: be unconscious, fight it or ride it.
When we ignore change we are either unconscious, unaware or in denial. How can we raise our awareness and move from ignoring or ignorance to embracing change? The answer is one word, willingness. Being willing is an attitude; it’s not tangible but definitely observable. Merely deciding to be willing automatically creates a shift toward being more open and receptive. How do we know if we are willing? The following behaviors are the most obvious forms of willingness: being present, open, available, receptive, curious, noticing, perceiving, listening and learning. How can you be more willing in your business, relationships or life?
Resisting change creates opposition. It’s an attitude of hostility and strife. With lightening fast speed of thought we have a reaction that sparks the fight. Feeling out of control we protect the barricade of our identity. A temporary sense of power is gained due to the aggressive exchange of energy. However, the longer we hold tight to our position the more we feel our vitality drain. Our resistance has enslaved us to defend our dogma and we aren’t sure how we got here. Shortness of breath, discomfort, tightness, rigidity, irritation, impatience, fatigue, weakness, illness, depression, apathy, anger and fear are indicators of resistance. How do we climb out of the rancor of resistance? The first step is always awareness. Once you notice one or more of the signs of resistance, ask yourself Byron Katie's The Work questions: "what was I just thinking? Is it true? Can I know absolutely for sure it’s true? How do I behave when I believe it’s true? Who would I be without this thought?" The truth shall set you free!
Embrace Change and Evolve
Awareness ~ Willingness ~ Mindfulness ~ Empowerment
We see the world through the filters our brain has laid down over the course of our life experiences. In addition, our experiences are made from our reservoir of perceptions which are in turn based upon all the previous experiences and interpretations. Over and over we lay down filters that form then validate our beliefs. Our neural net interconnects to inform a faster, more efficient processing every time we encounter something remotely similar. This filtering system is both our nemesis to neurosis and our impetus to evolve.
What we think matters! Breaking down our thoughts and stories allows us to see what is influencing our current perceptions, beliefs and experiences.
Our thoughts either enable us to be:
Trapped in unconsciousness ~ Ignorant to evolve.
Entangled in resistance ~ Unwilling to evolve.
Empowered by possibilities ~ Receptive to evolve.
On average most people think between 2500 - 3500 thoughts per day. However, the majority of these thoughts are the same thought repeated over and over. Elite athletes tend to have 1500 thoughts per day not because they’re less intelligent but their mental toughness has been developed to focus intently in the moment on what’s important. It takes mental prowess to have a new thought, less thought and/or no thought. It’s the athletes discipline to be mindful that gives them their edge to success. It’s time to train our brains like elite athletes and gain mental mastery in our business, relationships and life.
Envision Success
Emerge ~ Affirm ~ Assert
Shifting perspective gives permission for acceptance which is the consent of empowerment. Empowered people have increased clarity, presence, patience, connection, love, inspiration, wisdom, gratitude, motivation, top performance, and success. When we focus on possibilities, master our mind and create vision we emerge, affirm and assert our life. Empowerment perpetuates motivation, passion and purpose to evolve. What is your vision of success? What is the story you tell yourself and others? How does it align with your values, passion and purpose? How will you engage, embrace and evolve your life?
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