How To Find Your Life's Purpose
Purpose is the reason something exists or why it was created. It’s a persons’ sense of resolve or dedication in life.
Living in a competitive and capitalist society impacts our beliefs and values regarding a valuable purpose in life. Eliminating the internal conflict and being true to our purpose is the only way to enjoy happiness and success. Even if we know our purpose we might not have the confidence to boldly share it or live it in the business community. Our world and families shape our beliefs about making money and living our life on purpose. No wonder it’s a charged question and can catch people off guard to ask “what is your purpose in life?” Everyone is at a different place to reconcile the collective thoughts and/or beliefs, find their own wisdom, life’s work and to live life on purpose.
Most people do not know their purpose. We can't live what we don't know. Therefore, many people could be living life to a higher level of empowerment, joy and fulfillment.
For many people it becomes powerful question to determine why they are here and the what value they have to offer their family, community and world. At times we all need support to move forward.
Often times, there is a fear factor in the form of an excuse for people. It can manifest in the following statements:
"I can't live my purpose because I work in a corporate environment." "I can't live my purpose because I have to support my family." "If I focus on my purpose I won't make money."
It can also manifest as a person pretending they have not found their purpose and keep looking in order to put off living their life’s purpose. Another fear factor is continuing to search for the “perfect purpose” that is special and unique enough to fill the void and insecurity of feeling inadequate. It’s not the purpose statement that is special and unique it’s the interpretation and living our purpose that becomes special and unique. It’s not stating our purpose that makes it powerful it’s living our purpose that makes a difference in our lives and the lives of others.
It doesn’t have to be such a hard and complicated process. In fact, it doesn’t even have to be written in stone or etched as your epitaph. A person’s purpose can even change, grow and evolve as the person adapts and transitions through life.
What a relief, we don’t have to be perfect and we can even have more than one purpose in life. There are no hard fast rules. However, one piece of truth you can count on is the closer you are to a purpose that inspires you to be your best self the more motivated, committed and passionate you will be in life. As most feedback loops go the more motivated, committed and passionate you are about life the more you will be living your life on purpose.
What are your aspirations? What is your aim or goal in life? What do you want to dedicate yourself to accomplish? What are the gifts you have to share with the world? If you could design and intend your life to do anything in the world what would it be? From now till the end of your life if you could only do one thing that would satisfy you, what would it be? Again, these are big questions. If you don’t know the answers to these questions you are not alone.
The easiest way to determine your purpose is to find out what you have been really excited about in your past? What have you already accomplished that made an impact on your life? What are you really proud that you have done? What have others in your life really appreciated about you? What do other people ask you to do for them? What has made a difference in your life? What is your message you have to share with the world? What is something that comes easy to you and brings you joy? What is something you have done that uniquely defines you and your gifts?
Exercises to Find Your Purpose:
1. Write down three to five stories of things you have done at some time in your life
that answers the questions above.
2. Summarize what it was about each one that really thrilled and delighted you.
3. Think for a moment: what is the common theme that correlates throughout all of
the stories?
4. Write down this commonality. Look at it and re-read it. Find different ways of
stating this. Work with it, change and add different words until it appeals to you
and rings true. The statement will be your purpose statement when it elicits the
more excitement, delight and joy that caused you to write the story in the first
5. Keep the statement with you over the next week. Read it every day. Notice
what begins to happen as you allow it to empower and inspire you.
You will have more ideas as the passion begins to grow. What can you do today that will be one step toward living this purpose statement? Try it on, does it resonate with your best self?
Another litmus test is to evaluate how it aligns with your values. Click here for a values exercise If your purpose statement resonates with your values, get started on doing something that allows your statement to become alive.
Usually there are easy steps you can do right away that will allow some movement toward living your purpose. If there is nothing specific you can think to do that will begin the motion of bringing your purpose statement to life do the following exercises.
Exercises to Move Forward “On Purpose”
1.) Imagine what it looks like to successfully live your purpose. Pretend and
visualize in detail living your purpose. (hint: it will be positive and you will feel good)
2.) Tell someone you trust what your purpose statement is. Speaking and sharing
your purpose gives it power.
3.) Write yourself or family member a letter sharing your success in living your purpose.
You don’t necessarily have to send it and it's okay if it hasn't happened yet.
4.) Re-read your statement and or the letter in #3 frequently to recharge your vision.
5.) Call a coach! Ask for help and support from someone who can help you move
forward with your purpose. Click here to connect with Heart Path.
Coaching bridges the gap from dreaming to doing. Heart Path’s desire is to ensure everyone has access to their own internal wisdom to be their best self. We believe in the inherent ability of people to listen to their heart and live their life on purpose no matter what environment. Please let us support you as you awaken your purpose in a new way.
Start today with one step and you will see your enthusiasm grow. It will be the spark to ignite your passion for your purpose you have been looking for.
Once you align your life with your purpose you will look back and be surprised how easily success happens. By doing what inspires you, you will inspire others. Abundance and prosperity will come to you in surprising and magical ways. Joy will be automatic and you will increase love for yourself and others. You will be empowered and fulfilled. You will live your dreams!
Living in a competitive and capitalist society impacts our beliefs and values regarding a valuable purpose in life. Eliminating the internal conflict and being true to our purpose is the only way to enjoy happiness and success. Even if we know our purpose we might not have the confidence to boldly share it or live it in the business community. Our world and families shape our beliefs about making money and living our life on purpose. No wonder it’s a charged question and can catch people off guard to ask “what is your purpose in life?” Everyone is at a different place to reconcile the collective thoughts and/or beliefs, find their own wisdom, life’s work and to live life on purpose.
Most people do not know their purpose. We can't live what we don't know. Therefore, many people could be living life to a higher level of empowerment, joy and fulfillment.
For many people it becomes powerful question to determine why they are here and the what value they have to offer their family, community and world. At times we all need support to move forward.
Often times, there is a fear factor in the form of an excuse for people. It can manifest in the following statements:
"I can't live my purpose because I work in a corporate environment." "I can't live my purpose because I have to support my family." "If I focus on my purpose I won't make money."
It can also manifest as a person pretending they have not found their purpose and keep looking in order to put off living their life’s purpose. Another fear factor is continuing to search for the “perfect purpose” that is special and unique enough to fill the void and insecurity of feeling inadequate. It’s not the purpose statement that is special and unique it’s the interpretation and living our purpose that becomes special and unique. It’s not stating our purpose that makes it powerful it’s living our purpose that makes a difference in our lives and the lives of others.
It doesn’t have to be such a hard and complicated process. In fact, it doesn’t even have to be written in stone or etched as your epitaph. A person’s purpose can even change, grow and evolve as the person adapts and transitions through life.
What a relief, we don’t have to be perfect and we can even have more than one purpose in life. There are no hard fast rules. However, one piece of truth you can count on is the closer you are to a purpose that inspires you to be your best self the more motivated, committed and passionate you will be in life. As most feedback loops go the more motivated, committed and passionate you are about life the more you will be living your life on purpose.
What are your aspirations? What is your aim or goal in life? What do you want to dedicate yourself to accomplish? What are the gifts you have to share with the world? If you could design and intend your life to do anything in the world what would it be? From now till the end of your life if you could only do one thing that would satisfy you, what would it be? Again, these are big questions. If you don’t know the answers to these questions you are not alone.
The easiest way to determine your purpose is to find out what you have been really excited about in your past? What have you already accomplished that made an impact on your life? What are you really proud that you have done? What have others in your life really appreciated about you? What do other people ask you to do for them? What has made a difference in your life? What is your message you have to share with the world? What is something that comes easy to you and brings you joy? What is something you have done that uniquely defines you and your gifts?
Exercises to Find Your Purpose:
1. Write down three to five stories of things you have done at some time in your life
that answers the questions above.
2. Summarize what it was about each one that really thrilled and delighted you.
3. Think for a moment: what is the common theme that correlates throughout all of
the stories?
4. Write down this commonality. Look at it and re-read it. Find different ways of
stating this. Work with it, change and add different words until it appeals to you
and rings true. The statement will be your purpose statement when it elicits the
more excitement, delight and joy that caused you to write the story in the first
5. Keep the statement with you over the next week. Read it every day. Notice
what begins to happen as you allow it to empower and inspire you.
You will have more ideas as the passion begins to grow. What can you do today that will be one step toward living this purpose statement? Try it on, does it resonate with your best self?
Another litmus test is to evaluate how it aligns with your values. Click here for a values exercise If your purpose statement resonates with your values, get started on doing something that allows your statement to become alive.
Usually there are easy steps you can do right away that will allow some movement toward living your purpose. If there is nothing specific you can think to do that will begin the motion of bringing your purpose statement to life do the following exercises.
Exercises to Move Forward “On Purpose”
1.) Imagine what it looks like to successfully live your purpose. Pretend and
visualize in detail living your purpose. (hint: it will be positive and you will feel good)
2.) Tell someone you trust what your purpose statement is. Speaking and sharing
your purpose gives it power.
3.) Write yourself or family member a letter sharing your success in living your purpose.
You don’t necessarily have to send it and it's okay if it hasn't happened yet.
4.) Re-read your statement and or the letter in #3 frequently to recharge your vision.
5.) Call a coach! Ask for help and support from someone who can help you move
forward with your purpose. Click here to connect with Heart Path.
Coaching bridges the gap from dreaming to doing. Heart Path’s desire is to ensure everyone has access to their own internal wisdom to be their best self. We believe in the inherent ability of people to listen to their heart and live their life on purpose no matter what environment. Please let us support you as you awaken your purpose in a new way.
Start today with one step and you will see your enthusiasm grow. It will be the spark to ignite your passion for your purpose you have been looking for.
Once you align your life with your purpose you will look back and be surprised how easily success happens. By doing what inspires you, you will inspire others. Abundance and prosperity will come to you in surprising and magical ways. Joy will be automatic and you will increase love for yourself and others. You will be empowered and fulfilled. You will live your dreams!
copyright © 2011 Lou Ann Bennett