Group Coaching for One Month

Small groups of people with similar challenges, schedules and goals.
Everyone is coached and able to share and learn from one another in a supportive
environment that is powerful and productive.
Conference calls 2 times in one month for up to 45 min each session.
Unlimited email coaching for one month
Free short interim calls for urgent situations $120.00/person
Everyone is coached and able to share and learn from one another in a supportive
environment that is powerful and productive.
Conference calls 2 times in one month for up to 45 min each session.
Unlimited email coaching for one month
Free short interim calls for urgent situations $120.00/person
Group Coaching for Two Months

Small groups of people with similar challenges, schedules and goals.
Everyone is coached and able to share and learn from one another in a supportive
environment that is powerful and productive.
Conference calls twice a month for 2 months up to 45 min each session
Unlimited email coaching for 2 months
Free short interim calls for urgent situations
Free texting for urgent situations for 2 months $200.00/person
Everyone is coached and able to share and learn from one another in a supportive
environment that is powerful and productive.
Conference calls twice a month for 2 months up to 45 min each session
Unlimited email coaching for 2 months
Free short interim calls for urgent situations
Free texting for urgent situations for 2 months $200.00/person