Heart Path Coach Newsletter January 2011

Change Happens
The stages of change include thinking, planning, action, maintenance and transcendence. Perhaps the first and unwritten stages also include awareness, shift in perspective and focus. However, no matter what we "do" change happens. Change is the one thing we can count on.
Precious bliss is brief ~ Unfamiliar pain stabs the heart
On the edge of cracking ~ The chasm of insanity
Standing, straddling the gap ~ Paralyzed on the precipice.
Ways of doing no longer work
Breath stuck ~ Throat chokes
Something too scary to swallow ~ Fear of flying
Distant sounds echo the canyon between
The ears as they grow large to listen
Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop ~ Knocking
Curiosity to question ~ Where is the sound coming from?
Pound, pound ~ Pound, pound ~ The heart
Pressure expands to inquire ~ Who beats the drum?
Rocking rhythm ~ Sways the soul to hum
A song unsung
Wind blows ~ Feathers furl
Flap, flap, flap ~ The wings ~
Only choice ~ Fly
by Lou Ann Bennett
“Two Wolves”
A Cherokee Legend
An elder cherokee was teaching his grandchildren about life. He said to them, "A fight is going on inside me. It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.
One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego.
The other stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.
The same fight is going on inside of you and inside of every other person too.
The children thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”
The old cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”
A story that has stood the test of time to become a legend is worth reading and sharing. This story provides a new perspective about duality, choice and virtue.
Duality is a common part of the earth plane and everyone who has a physical body also has an ego and spirit to go with it. It’s the world of opposites and here in lies the dilemma of duality. Our ego or what we often call the negative aspects are teachers.
Balance and acceptance is delicate. The fight occurs due to resistance. Acceptance is the powerful peacemaker to quench the fierce fight. Choice neutralizes the conflict.
How do we choose to feed the preferred wolf or teacher? With every thought, attitude and action we choose to feed a particular wolf within. Becoming aware of our thinking is the first step. Notice what emotions you are experiencing and ask yourself what you just were thinking.
The second step is to connect and nourish your spirit to tap into virtue. What nourishes you? Meditation, music, food, yoga, exercise, laughing, singing, nature, community, love, joy, peace, presence, inspiration, gratefulness?
Where in your life do you feel conflict between the two wolves? How can you accept and appreciate both teachers? What choices will you make to feed and nourish yourself in 2011?
This story has been copied verbatim here as it has been done so many times before. I give honor and respect to the original owner whoever that might be.
Coaching Moments
Meet Jill
Jill is a fictitious person invented in order to share with you different coaching strategies and practical applications. This will be a place to share trends, general situations along with helpful tools and techniques.
Given the fact that 2011 is just beginning, Jill is interested in making a fresh start. She is reacquainting herself with what is important to her. Jill is reflecting what did and did not work last year. She is surprised at the amount of growth she had in 2010. Jill still has desires to incorporate new things in her life and continue to stretch herself toward her potential. We are having conversations about values, relationships, priorities and goals.
The values exercise gave Jill the realization her behavior was not supporting her top value of love, more specifically her primary relationship. Upon further investigation she decided to make changes that would ensure she was able to spend quality time with her partner and make an intentional effort to connect in a meaningful way every day. If you are interested in your own process to have a fresh start for 2011, please call 503-805-2373 or click herefor a complimentary coaching session.
The fastest way to unleash creativity is to move in the direction of what brings us joy. It is virtually impossible to have one without the other. When we are “en-joy” we most likely are being in the moment. The very act of being in the moment allows us access to creative energy. The reverse is true as well. When we catch ourselves creating something whether it be art, music, poetry, food or other things. We are in the moment and before we know it also experiencing the deeply penetrating and highly vibration of joy. Hard to say which comes first. Not sure it matters. What do you “enjoy” creating?
We all are innately born with connection to our inner voice of wisdom and truth. Our internal infrastructure of virtue is our conscience. The infrastructure of virtue is not the moral aptitude we have been conditioned and shaped by society in order to get along. Usually with good intentions society often seeks to manipulate and shape our sense of right and wrong with rules, regulations even vague social manners and cues. Too many times we become dependent upon the outer style of architecture built and shaped by society, community and family as the compass of our soul. When the true stability and structure lies deep within as the bones of the building. The foundation of our virtue is our spirit, conscience or connection to the divine. Nourishing the inner sanctum, listening to the still small voice of our intuition is how to tap into our true self and live our heart path.
Viktor Frankl’s book “Man’s Search for Ultimate Meaning” is one of the most quoted books in psychology and philosophy. Viktor writes that self transcendence is the essence of human existence. He further explains, by virtue the human being searches to self actualize which is directly proportional to the ability to forget self either through service to a higher cause and/or loving a person other than self. Agreed, we were meant to evolve, transcend and reach our potential; this gives us meaning. The road to ultimate meaning is paved with the ability to love. Victor’s account of self actualization seems to leave out a crucial aspect of “self love”. We are all sojourners along the same path to learn to love and be loved. Many times this starts with following our heart. It can even be a tough decision based primarily upon the beliefs of culture of what is right or wrong. Love is always the right choice no matter what the packaging. Click here for another perspective.
Life Coaching ~ Financial Health
This time of year many people focus on “New Years Resolutions”. With last few years financial crisis it’s not surprising many people are reflecting and taking inventory of their finances. How is your financial well being? What changes could you make in 2011 that will create more financial health? Click here for ideas and support for your Financial Health.
Community ~ Moral Matrix
Jonathan Haidt shares an intriguing TED presentation regarding our moral matrix. He says there are 5 categories that make up the first draft of our moral mind which we are born with that humans are concerned to some level: harm/care; fairness/reciprocity; in group loyalty; authority/respect; purity/sanctity. Jonathan explains the stereotypes of the liberal versus conservative virtues based upon the values and ranking of these 5 categories. It’s critical that we have both sides of the picture to create balance. The conflict occurs due to both parties feeling strongly they are right. By stepping out of the moral matrix and our defined box we can obtain moral humility. As we become humble we gain understanding. http://www.ted.com/talks/jonathan_haidt_on_the_moral_mind.html
Well Being~ Meditation
A new year and new beginnings of all sorts offers us a chance for a fresh perspective. What emphasis for 2011 will bring you a renewed sense of nourishment? What connects you to a sacred sense of wellbeing? When does time stand still for you? When are you completely in the moment? In the following video Melanie Weidner takes us through a sacred meditation to raise our awareness and shift our perspective. Enjoy the following connection and may it give you a sense of well being! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUidgZp3GiI
Chocolate Cherry Brownies serves 12-16
3 c Walnuts soaked and dried
1 c Macadamia nuts
1/4 c Flaxseed meal
pinch of salt
12 Dates
1 c Cacao or a combo of Carob Powder
1 c Dried Cherries
1 c Dried raisins
1/2 c Walnuts soaked and dried
Process all nuts, meal, cacao and salt together until fine and set aside; process dates and pulse until smooth; add dry ingredients and process till sticks together; add cherries and raisins and process till preferred consistency. Stir in remaining 1/2 c walnuts.
Press into a pan and refrigerate or freeze until firm. Cut into squares and serve.
Brownies have a rich chocolaty taste with a hint of cherries.
For an interesting variety:
Space for Us!
Quotes From You...
“Family life is like cultivating fine wine, it requires patience, dedication and lots of love.” Katherine Smith
Please click here to submit something you would like to share!
Coming Events:
What: Transition Your Nutrition Class ~ Soup’s On
When: January 15th Saturday 11:30 till 2:00
Where: Center for Natural Medicine
1330 SE 39th Ave Portland, OR
Enjoy: ~ Information and recipes about Raw Food nutrition.
~ Sample Soups.
~ Easy steps to integrate healthier choices.
~ Group Coaching: SMART goals and Strategies.
~ Community and Fun!
RSVP: Web or Email
Looking Ahead: Cracker, Pate, Dressing and Sauce Class
Thank you for taking the time to share these moments together!
How can I support you? What situations would you like coaching tips and tools?
Please forward my newsletter to friends and family who may be interested.
I welcome all feedback, please share your ideas and inspirations with me!
Be well, nourished and blessed! Lou
The stages of change include thinking, planning, action, maintenance and transcendence. Perhaps the first and unwritten stages also include awareness, shift in perspective and focus. However, no matter what we "do" change happens. Change is the one thing we can count on.
Precious bliss is brief ~ Unfamiliar pain stabs the heart
On the edge of cracking ~ The chasm of insanity
Standing, straddling the gap ~ Paralyzed on the precipice.
Ways of doing no longer work
Breath stuck ~ Throat chokes
Something too scary to swallow ~ Fear of flying
Distant sounds echo the canyon between
The ears as they grow large to listen
Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop ~ Knocking
Curiosity to question ~ Where is the sound coming from?
Pound, pound ~ Pound, pound ~ The heart
Pressure expands to inquire ~ Who beats the drum?
Rocking rhythm ~ Sways the soul to hum
A song unsung
Wind blows ~ Feathers furl
Flap, flap, flap ~ The wings ~
Only choice ~ Fly
by Lou Ann Bennett
“Two Wolves”
A Cherokee Legend
An elder cherokee was teaching his grandchildren about life. He said to them, "A fight is going on inside me. It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.
One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego.
The other stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.
The same fight is going on inside of you and inside of every other person too.
The children thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”
The old cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”
A story that has stood the test of time to become a legend is worth reading and sharing. This story provides a new perspective about duality, choice and virtue.
Duality is a common part of the earth plane and everyone who has a physical body also has an ego and spirit to go with it. It’s the world of opposites and here in lies the dilemma of duality. Our ego or what we often call the negative aspects are teachers.
Balance and acceptance is delicate. The fight occurs due to resistance. Acceptance is the powerful peacemaker to quench the fierce fight. Choice neutralizes the conflict.
How do we choose to feed the preferred wolf or teacher? With every thought, attitude and action we choose to feed a particular wolf within. Becoming aware of our thinking is the first step. Notice what emotions you are experiencing and ask yourself what you just were thinking.
The second step is to connect and nourish your spirit to tap into virtue. What nourishes you? Meditation, music, food, yoga, exercise, laughing, singing, nature, community, love, joy, peace, presence, inspiration, gratefulness?
Where in your life do you feel conflict between the two wolves? How can you accept and appreciate both teachers? What choices will you make to feed and nourish yourself in 2011?
This story has been copied verbatim here as it has been done so many times before. I give honor and respect to the original owner whoever that might be.
Coaching Moments
Meet Jill
Jill is a fictitious person invented in order to share with you different coaching strategies and practical applications. This will be a place to share trends, general situations along with helpful tools and techniques.
Given the fact that 2011 is just beginning, Jill is interested in making a fresh start. She is reacquainting herself with what is important to her. Jill is reflecting what did and did not work last year. She is surprised at the amount of growth she had in 2010. Jill still has desires to incorporate new things in her life and continue to stretch herself toward her potential. We are having conversations about values, relationships, priorities and goals.
The values exercise gave Jill the realization her behavior was not supporting her top value of love, more specifically her primary relationship. Upon further investigation she decided to make changes that would ensure she was able to spend quality time with her partner and make an intentional effort to connect in a meaningful way every day. If you are interested in your own process to have a fresh start for 2011, please call 503-805-2373 or click herefor a complimentary coaching session.
The fastest way to unleash creativity is to move in the direction of what brings us joy. It is virtually impossible to have one without the other. When we are “en-joy” we most likely are being in the moment. The very act of being in the moment allows us access to creative energy. The reverse is true as well. When we catch ourselves creating something whether it be art, music, poetry, food or other things. We are in the moment and before we know it also experiencing the deeply penetrating and highly vibration of joy. Hard to say which comes first. Not sure it matters. What do you “enjoy” creating?
We all are innately born with connection to our inner voice of wisdom and truth. Our internal infrastructure of virtue is our conscience. The infrastructure of virtue is not the moral aptitude we have been conditioned and shaped by society in order to get along. Usually with good intentions society often seeks to manipulate and shape our sense of right and wrong with rules, regulations even vague social manners and cues. Too many times we become dependent upon the outer style of architecture built and shaped by society, community and family as the compass of our soul. When the true stability and structure lies deep within as the bones of the building. The foundation of our virtue is our spirit, conscience or connection to the divine. Nourishing the inner sanctum, listening to the still small voice of our intuition is how to tap into our true self and live our heart path.
Viktor Frankl’s book “Man’s Search for Ultimate Meaning” is one of the most quoted books in psychology and philosophy. Viktor writes that self transcendence is the essence of human existence. He further explains, by virtue the human being searches to self actualize which is directly proportional to the ability to forget self either through service to a higher cause and/or loving a person other than self. Agreed, we were meant to evolve, transcend and reach our potential; this gives us meaning. The road to ultimate meaning is paved with the ability to love. Victor’s account of self actualization seems to leave out a crucial aspect of “self love”. We are all sojourners along the same path to learn to love and be loved. Many times this starts with following our heart. It can even be a tough decision based primarily upon the beliefs of culture of what is right or wrong. Love is always the right choice no matter what the packaging. Click here for another perspective.
Life Coaching ~ Financial Health
This time of year many people focus on “New Years Resolutions”. With last few years financial crisis it’s not surprising many people are reflecting and taking inventory of their finances. How is your financial well being? What changes could you make in 2011 that will create more financial health? Click here for ideas and support for your Financial Health.
Community ~ Moral Matrix
Jonathan Haidt shares an intriguing TED presentation regarding our moral matrix. He says there are 5 categories that make up the first draft of our moral mind which we are born with that humans are concerned to some level: harm/care; fairness/reciprocity; in group loyalty; authority/respect; purity/sanctity. Jonathan explains the stereotypes of the liberal versus conservative virtues based upon the values and ranking of these 5 categories. It’s critical that we have both sides of the picture to create balance. The conflict occurs due to both parties feeling strongly they are right. By stepping out of the moral matrix and our defined box we can obtain moral humility. As we become humble we gain understanding. http://www.ted.com/talks/jonathan_haidt_on_the_moral_mind.html
Well Being~ Meditation
A new year and new beginnings of all sorts offers us a chance for a fresh perspective. What emphasis for 2011 will bring you a renewed sense of nourishment? What connects you to a sacred sense of wellbeing? When does time stand still for you? When are you completely in the moment? In the following video Melanie Weidner takes us through a sacred meditation to raise our awareness and shift our perspective. Enjoy the following connection and may it give you a sense of well being! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUidgZp3GiI
Chocolate Cherry Brownies serves 12-16
3 c Walnuts soaked and dried
1 c Macadamia nuts
1/4 c Flaxseed meal
pinch of salt
12 Dates
1 c Cacao or a combo of Carob Powder
1 c Dried Cherries
1 c Dried raisins
1/2 c Walnuts soaked and dried
Process all nuts, meal, cacao and salt together until fine and set aside; process dates and pulse until smooth; add dry ingredients and process till sticks together; add cherries and raisins and process till preferred consistency. Stir in remaining 1/2 c walnuts.
Press into a pan and refrigerate or freeze until firm. Cut into squares and serve.
Brownies have a rich chocolaty taste with a hint of cherries.
For an interesting variety:
- Add 1- 2 T almond butter or chia butter with the date mixture.
- Substitute 1/2 c chopped almonds or pecans for 1/2 c walnuts to be stirred in
- Substitute hazelnuts for walnuts
- Add macha and/or mesquite powders
Space for Us!
Quotes From You...
“Family life is like cultivating fine wine, it requires patience, dedication and lots of love.” Katherine Smith
Please click here to submit something you would like to share!
Coming Events:
What: Transition Your Nutrition Class ~ Soup’s On
When: January 15th Saturday 11:30 till 2:00
Where: Center for Natural Medicine
1330 SE 39th Ave Portland, OR
Enjoy: ~ Information and recipes about Raw Food nutrition.
~ Sample Soups.
~ Easy steps to integrate healthier choices.
~ Group Coaching: SMART goals and Strategies.
~ Community and Fun!
RSVP: Web or Email
Looking Ahead: Cracker, Pate, Dressing and Sauce Class
Thank you for taking the time to share these moments together!
How can I support you? What situations would you like coaching tips and tools?
Please forward my newsletter to friends and family who may be interested.
I welcome all feedback, please share your ideas and inspirations with me!
Be well, nourished and blessed! Lou